Tag Archives: ACO

Video: Accountable care organizations, the Steve Jobs way

This video, by healthcare consultant Anthony Cirillo, offers a neat suggestion — why not sic Steve Jobs on the accountable care organization model?  As Cirillo sees it, Jobs is one of few execs out there who really understands how to build complex things in a lean, functional way.

“When we develop products, we’re about putting as many features into them as possible, and hospitals, as many services as possible,” Cirillo says. “But Steve Jobs…wouldn’t just build an accountable care organization, he’d build your accountable care organization, where you would get just the amount of care you needed at the right time in the right place.”   More below:

Don’t be distracted by the guitars hanging on the wall in the background — they’re just symbolic of Cirillo’s other passions, singing and songwriting.  What he has to say on this subject is definitely worth a listen.